To load the map Start the game -> New Scenario -> Community tab -> Select VanguardCommandoMod.sam and press Start. This mod also features a custom map to quickly test the features of this mod \Documents\Paradox Interactive\Age of Wonders Planetfall\Mods\VanguardCommandoMod\Maps\VanguardCommandoMod.sam

Note that in order for a new rpk file to be loaded in, it needs to be added to the mod through Content > Resource Packs > Add in the Package Manager. These can be found in Documents\Paradox Interactive\Age of Wonders Planetfall\Mods\ArnoutMod\Language The unit needs a name and this is defined in the XML language files. To check out the unit open the Resource Editor using the Package Manager and openĭocuments\Paradox Interactive\Age of Wonders Planetfall\Mods\VanguardCommandoMod\Packs\VangardCommando.rpk

This mods adds a new unit into the game (re)using existing models by creating a new. This way you can easily change unit appearance without changing resources (found in. This mod overwrites the existing Human_Species.clb in Content\Title\Libraries\Figure_Skin\Human_Species.clb as the priority of the mod is set higher (Priority 1) in the Package Manager then the base game (Priority 0). This mod contains a copy of Human_Species.clb (found in \Documents\Paradox Interactive\Age of Wonders Planetfall\Mods\ArnoutMod\Libraries\Figure_Skin ). The VanguardRedTrooperMod will change the color of the Vanguard Trooper into LiberatorInferno red using the Content Editor only. clb files) by simply adding a copy of a clb from the game into your mod. This mod demonstrates the possibility to overwrite base game content (found in.